Also for:
diesel generator monitoring, temperature monitoring,
refrigerator monitoring etc.
is a compact universal GSM/GPRS
module for wireless monitoring the status of stationary
remote objects: fuel storage tanks, fueling station,
diesel generators, pumps refrigerators, etc.
Module allow remotely
monitor: fuel level in fuel and oil tanks, diesel
generators status and key operation parameters,
temperature etc.
GuardMagic FSM2/1 in full automatic mode collect and
send to monitoring station information from external
sensors: fuel level and temperature sensors, data from
flow meters or RPM sensors, logical circuits or customer
logical sensors.

To the GuardMagic
FSM2/1 module can be connected:
Up to THREE fuel
level sensors with digital communication interface
EIA-485 (sensor
resolution 1024 or 4096 levels). Fuel level sensors
can be located about up to 100 … 300
meters far from GuardMagic FSM2/1 module;
Up to SEVEN digital
temperature sensors with 1-wire communication
interface. Temperature
sensors can be located up to 30… 100 meters far from
GuardMagic FSM2/1 module;
Up to TWO fuel flow
meters with pulse output or up to TWO RPM sensors
with pulse output
or RPM pulse circuits (or up to TWO any customers
devices with pulse outputs);
Up to FOUR customer
logical sensors, switches or electronic devices with
logical output.
(such connection allows for example to carry out
opening/closing status of doors, status of
additional external devices etc.).